Dear Church Family,
We are starting our Sundays of Remembrance this week. This Sunday we will be remembering Ken and listening to one of his teachings. It will be a blessing to all who are able to come and hear what the Lord was showing Pastor Ken.
This next part is meant to be a surprise for the Jenkins family.
This Sunday we would also like to take time to honor Ken and the things God put on his heart. Several years ago the Lord put on Ken's heart to assist our community with medical supply equipment needs. Ken's hope in this was to be able to assist those in the community that have needs with medical devices much in the same way that the Grocery Give Away does with food. The devices would either be given away or on loan as needed. We feel that it is the Lord to begin this ministry. We believe it would honor Ken, his family, and ultimately the Lord. We wanted to tell everyone about it now so you can start praying for this ministry. We are still seeking the Lord for the details on how to proceed, but feel it is time to start this now. We understand that this ministry will have financial needs in order to purchase and maintain supplies. We are looking into different funding opportunities. If you feel led by the Lord to give now or in the future, you may do so via the website or you can bring a gift Sunday morning and put it in the offering box. Please be sure to designate the gift as "Medical Equipment" when giving via check or the website. Remember, the Jenkins family does not know that we are beginning this ministry, announcing it on Sunday will be a surprise for them.
Thank you for your prayers and all that you do for the Lord. We are looking forward to all that the Lord has for us this Sunday.
Lord bless you!
LFC Elders (Tom, George, Bill, Jeff, Ryan, Heath)